Preview - Climate Change In The Great Lakes 2019

Data Snapshot Tool

Use the simulation below to collect data. Collect data for temperature or precipitation by changing the months or years and clicking "record data" before you move to the next month/year. Use the graphing feature to visualize your data, by dragging from the table the variable you want on the x or y axis. 

Notes on using the simulation:

  • Make sure "auto update" is clicked (dark blue), so the map will update. 
  • Wait a few seconds after changing month or year for the map to update (you will see the new map show up).
  • Change the months or years to see look for patterns in the data. 
  • Look at temperature or precipitation maps.


Please answer the questions below.

Choose a month and look at it over a few different years. What do you notice about the temperature change from the 30 year average (represented as 0)?

Choose a month and look at it over a few different years. What do you notice about the precipitation change from the 30 year average (represented as 100%)?

Do certain cities have more temperature change than others? Explain using at least 5 pieces of evidence.

Do certain cities have more precipitation change than others? Explain using at least 5 pieces of evidence.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.